I don't really like to write about myself, so I'm not going to try too hard. I love music, I love cinema, I also love many other aspects of modern popular culture but these two blogs seem to be more than enough to keep up with already. I seem to be immersing myself (unwillingly!) in the process of ageing, since recently I've discovered an unexpected appetite for prog-rock and jazz. It might well be more Fish, than Jethro Tull and more Ninja Tune than swing, but it's still just as worrying. I'm actually surprised I'm still resisting Cliff Richard's masterpiece. Still, I believe I should have a couple of more years left before it'll all turn philharmonic for me and to freeze-frame my music taste while I still have some I decided to embrace the idea of this blog. I might look at it in a few year's time and think to myself 'Mussorgsky it ain't...' but as for now, let's show the world some daddy's moves.
(dear god, IT IS getting worse, isn't it?)
As you could expect from (nigh on) 7'' (that's almost TWO FORFITERS!) he's a walking charity case for inferiority complexes. English not good enough (for what? writing Ulysses?), a soft spot for punk rock (who'd blame anyone for The Clash, huh?), not as smart or good looking as me (well, he's got one point then). But when he's not too busy self-pitying, he finds time to work on three blogs (ONE, TWO and THREE). And if you're interested in reading them but for some mysterious reason don't understand Polish, try to open them in Google Chrome, it should offer translating them for you. And if by reading them you'd get an impression that Kuba is a hell of an angry young man, just remember, that resting on the internet's anonymity he's probably just trying to look bigger than he actually is.
No, wait. That doesn't sound right.
Aw, to hell with it. Just read the blogs, OK?
Trigger Cutting Jonathan
Ripped jeans, washed-out Rolling Stones T-shirt, Apple Mac mini (wedding gift from brother). A slight hint of wine snobbism. (In the past) 'funky' and unforgivable haircuts. Can spend hours in a record shop meditating over vinyls and boring the poor staff to death with chats about bands more obscure than Albanian action cinema. Hates being called ginger but isn't actually ginger (and yes Koleman I found and changed this without Mary's help..or did I?). Thick frame glasses (when not wearing contacts). An obvious nod to his Sheffield hero, JC (if you even think Joe Cocker, you're dead!).
I think I don't need to add that his favourite line when commenting on his selection of music for this blog was 'I went for the less obvious choice'. It actually seems weird that any known bands made it but hey, let us all just be grateful for that ;-)
I, on the other hand, will remain grateful for the fact, that when it comes to food, drink and hospitality, TCJ worships much more traditional and, dare we say mainstream? values. You can put a little bit of pretentiousness into a Hipster Cat, but you can never take generosity and kindness out of Jonathan :p
to be (hopefully) continued...